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Recipe: Air Fried Chicken Wings

We recently won an air fryer in a cooking contest, so we've been trying a slew of different recipes in the kitchen. I never felt the urge to buy one before this, as I assumed that it would be no different from oven cooking, which we already do in our kitchen. 

Boy, was I wrong! So after trying the air fryer for over a week now, we do notice that the food is much crispier than it would be from an oven, and the cooking time is slightly shorter too. The disadvantage though, is that it can't really handle a huge amount of cooking at a time due to the size of the frying basket. But what a nifty tool to have in the kitchen, I would say - best of all, we can greatly reduce the amount of oil we would normally use to deep fry food and still get the same satisfaction from eating it.

Air fried chicken wings

Air fried chicken wings

So, the first thing we cooked in the air fryer was air fried chicken wings. Since chicken wing is made up of lots of skin, we just coated them in oil, some yuzu salt (you can just use regular salt) and garlic powder, popped it in the air fryer for 20 minutes and voila! Crispy, yet juicy wings. No standing over hot stoves or oil splatter. Love it!

Air fried chicken wings
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 3 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves 4

800-900g chicken wings
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp yuzu salt
1 tsp garlic powder

1. Separate your wings into drumettes and wingettes. You can also leave them whole if you like. Pat dry with a kitchen towel.

2. In a bowl, mix the olive oil, yuzu salt and garlic powder. Toss the wings in the oil.

3. Cook in air fryer at 200C for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown. Toss the wings around halfway through so it cooks / browns evenly.

Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings Air fried chicken wings

Note: 1. If you do not have yuzu salt, you can just use regular salt. Squeeze some lemon juice over the wings once ready, if you like. 

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